With the Lounge under construction, this year's Alternative Christmas Market will still be held, but will be a bit different. Opportunities to donate to your favorite organizations will still be available and representatives will be on hand with information materials. Here's a preview of what you can purchase and support: Habitat for Humanity, Toberman Neighborhood Ctr., Get on the Bus, Heifer Project, Homeless Meals & Personal Items, Young Scientists Camp for Homeless Children, LAUMC Preschool and support of Missionary Paul Jeffrey. Note: Vendor shopping will be back next year. As always, charitable giving cards will be free to any shopper who would like to give an alternative gift this year. Look for the "Under Construction" Alternative Christmas Market after each of the services and make your Christmas gift giving meaningful this year. This event is sponsored by the Missions Team.
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Earlier Event: November 14
One Parent's Journey with their Beloved Transgender Child
Later Event: November 18
Youth 2019 Information Meeting