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“Blossoming Disciples: We Bloom Together” - Los Altos UMC Camp (2018)

  • Camp Lazy W Ranch (map)

The Los Altos Church is going camping, and registration is officially open!  Over the weekend, people of all ages and stages will gather in God’s beautiful creation to cabin camp at Lazy W Ranch in San Juan Capistrano.  Set in a gorgeous, quiet canyon, Lazy W will host us for a weekend of fun, home-cooked meals, fellowship, small group conversation, outdoor worship and so much more. . . . like an all church talent show and hike to the cross! Cost is $110 Adults, Youth 14+/$65 Kids 3-13/Under 3: Free. Contact our Camp Registrar Erin Stubbs at to register and for more information.  Flyers are available in the church office and A 50% deposit is due by Sunday, Sept. 9.