Alternative Christmas Market Results 2013
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! LAUMC is awesome! The Alternative Christmas Market results are in and your generous contributions will help the following organizations, programs and agencies greatly.
Habitat for Humanity - $1,115
Homeless Meals & Toiletries - $391
LAUMC Preschool - $375
Heifer Project International - $1,020
Jerry Larsen Scholarship Fund - $295
Toberman Neighborhood Center - $420
Hoffman House – $455
ESL Breakfast Club - The Neighborhood - $520
Get on the Bus - $545
Imagine No Malaria - $830
Arcadia Methodist Hospital - $270
Project Totals $6,236
Your purchases and donations for the Third World Gifts and Handarts totaled $555; sales from the LAUMC Preschool totaled $85; sales from Hands of Hope totaled $318 and sales from iSanctuary totaled $512. Fine Arts table sold $169; Habitat for Humanity sold $42 gift items at their table. Also the Imagine no Malaria cause was able to get a matching donation of $725. If you add all of this together, a total of $8,642 was raised!
The Church and Society Commission would like to thank each of you who helped to make this annual event such a success. Because of your caring, hundreds of people locally and worldwide will benefit from your gifts. And, a special thanks to the many church committees that sponsored projects, individual volunteers who staffed tables, the Church and Society Commission volunteers and especially the Gatleys for all their help. Allison Brammer, Committee Chair